Howdy. I'm Alyssa McDaniel 
I’m the one behind the scenes (and screens) of Lucky Hound Studio! As a wild-hearted designer and branding enthusiast, I'm passionate about crafting authentic and timeless digital experiences inspired by the untamed beauty of the Wild West. With a deep appreciation for the rowdy way of life and a love for nature's rugged charm, I channel my creativity into creating bespoke brands and websites that perfectly match the spirit of those who roam the mountains and embrace their true authenticity. From dreamy brand identities to captivating web journeys, I aim to bring your unique visions to life and make you stand out in against the herd. Saddle up and let's embark on this trail together!


about the studio

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As a creative business owner, I value a lot more than just getting my next paycheck. Aside from purely loving the creativity I get to unleash through my designs, I also believe that social media can be extremely impactful [and often times harmful] to our mental health - especially in younger generations & I think it is so important to publish GOOD things into the digital world. We tend to force pressure on ourselves and try to reach unrealistic goals that the media has portrayed and it can do so much harm. Sometimes it’s hard to remember that people only post what they want the world to see. 

As a person & as a business, I value authenticity and I value peace of mind. Whatever I can do to help you reach your full potential — whether it be to create an amazing brand, or even just take the weight of social media off of your shoulders — I’m here to help! 

Aside from being Gen Z and growing up surrounded by social media, I began my real journey into digital marketing and design during the 2020 pandemic lockdown. As a college student studying New Media, Art, & Technology, I figured I could use my skills I learned in classes to begin freelancing them to other business owners who don’t have time for their digital marketing - or just don’t know how! [Yes, you read that right. The studio began as a marketing studio only!]

Lucky Hound Studio's Mission:

the passion behind the projects...



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It’s taken me a long time to figure out who I am & what my place is in this world, but I’m getting closer every day. Through a lot of trial and error, the most important thing I’ve learned in my 23 years is to just do the damn thing. That thing you’ve been wanting to do for years but are too scared? Just go do it. That trip you’ve been wanting to take but “it’s never the right time?” Take it anyways. Want to start a biz? DO IT!

Stop taking life so seriously - nobody makes it out alive. Don’t waste it.

Alyssa's Motto


meet the


So, do you want to know me? I mean REALLY know me? The truth is, sometimes I am still waiting for the answer to that question. 

I’m 23, I’m a Taurus, I love all things warm muted tones, I’m part of Gen Z [so I’m always up-to-date on the newest trends and media tricks ✷] and I live with my seriously cool husband and two dogs. I’m not kidding when I say I could write a 5 page essay on how my beagle, Coronet, is my soulmate. But I won’t bore you with all the details about how tough and unique she is, or how in love with the world she is. Then there’s Cuda, our Doberman. He is our giant [seriously - GIANT] bubby boy who is always glued to our hips, but we wouldn’t want it any other way. He is clumsy and goofy, and we love him even more because of it. My husband is all around the coolest dude I know and I probably wouldn’t have ever started my own business if it wasn’t for him.

I have dreams of one day living in the mountains on my own homestead, full of animals and gardens. I know Cuda and Coronet would love it. My design is heavily inspired by both the art of slow living, and the rowdy individuals who keep steady living possible. Until I can move out of Indiana, I’ll continue to spend my days traveling to every mountain in our converted camper-van and making sure my life is filled with authentic experiences. We’re taking this whole ‘life thing’ one step at a time. ✜

My approach to this crazy thing called life ✜


And so, Lucky Hound was born... 

This is Coronet, my best friend in the entire world. My studio is without a doubt inspired by her! She's a beagle, which are a part of the hound family. She is everything my business strives to be - self assured, persistent, devoted, expressive, and determined. She's tough as nails, and she makes me feel like the luckiest person in the world.